Life, simply put, in the most basic of terms …
Is a series of what I like to call …
Or as this generation calls it, spilling the tea.
Or as my generation called it: babble, blab, let the cat out of the bag, sing like a canary, talk, tattle, spill.
I still question the canary one, but that’s a discussion for another day.
Many of these reveals can change our own life in literally the blink of an eye.
The correct definition of reveal, according to Webster or Google – pick your poison – is the ability to show, disclose or admit something.
Revelations can, more often than not, lead to betrayal, failure and deception …
Ya know, the things good soap operas are made of.
Haven't we all experienced that split second when a revelation altered, if only slightly, the very path we were so confidently traveling down?
Nothing like surprise intel to shake sh&t up.
So, what do I mean when I say that everything boils down to a “reveal”?
Hear me out … and I’ll reveal my reasoning. (Catchy play on words, right?)
We wake up every day (thank Gd) perhaps alone, perhaps with a partner, children and/or pets.
Regardless …
We never really know what lovely twists and turns this new day has in store for us.
Will it be an uneventful day with rainbows and butterflies?
Most likely doubtful, but then again, let’s think positively.
Or will it be a day ending in need of an IV-infused vodka straight to the veins?
Ya just never know.
Our health is unpredictable and so are the ailments that we will develop, which eventually are revealed to us …
In time.
We marry or have partners or stay single …
Will these relationships with others or ourselves flourish and thrive?
We have no clue.
The complexities of everyday life, the depths of true friendship, the secrecy of romance or affairs, the anxiety of health crises, the sense of hopelessness from worldly gossip and news, and even seemingly mundane everyday occurrences …
Are all revelations that eventually make their way to … guess who?
Time is a precursor to the “reveals” of our lives.
Sounds kind of like a Bravo episodic drama, doesn’t it?
Revelations these days are now a minute-by-minute newsfeed ...
Just ask TikTok.
And while we can only control our life to “some degree,” many “reveals” are actually out of our control and wind up deeply affecting us …
Sometimes permanently.
Time never stops for anyone …
Nor does the next reveal.
Revelations are not just about what is being exposed to us but also what we choose or are willing to expose to others.
Think onion and its many layers, tears included along with the strong smell.
We all have things about ourself that only we know.
You know – those crazy secrets we hold deep inside the cockles of our heart that we don’t want to share – and I do mean with anyone.
And if for some reason those private things are shared, they too become a revelation but this time …
For someone else.
I believe the correct term is “food for fodder.”
My hope for this new blog, The Reveal, is to share stories, experiences and advice with an honest, self-helpish approach to life, dating and of course the mothership of all: relationships.
Acknowledging my desire to continue to write and be heard, along with the belief (irrational or not) that I can help people struggling in different areas of their life, has lead me to finally give birth to …
The Reveal.
Easiest delivery yet.
I’m in a very peaceful place in my life where I’m able to look in the rearview mirror and see things more clearly with less emotion. It’s with this clarity I will base my advice in a (hopefully) humorous way.
There is a tremendous amount of negativity in this world. If I can bring the funny while helping others find the funny, that’s all I can really hope for.
I look forward to sharing my weekly thoughts …
And hoping you’ll reveal what’s on your mind, too.