To be honest, I really feel I live in a world that I don’t quite understand or can relate to any more.
I’ve been told that my intrinsic values and morals are dated and obscure.
Like what on earth does that even actually mean?
Obscure like the Old Testament in the Bible?
Or worse yet, obscure because I am asleep at the wheel?”
I’m not really sure I even care, to be honest.
Either way I can assure you I am not asleep – maybe just sleepy and in need of a good nap.
I’ve learned some tremendous lessons in my years and I would like to pass those lessons on to my readers.
I grew up in a time I believe was really wonderful.
It was the ‘80s.
There were no cellphones and no social media.
While I do use social media for certain things, I find that I don’t love how the world has changed so much because of it.
My compass is the same, has been the same and I’m sure will always remain the same, but my cardinal direction has evolved.
Compasses don’t change, by the way. Destinations do, however.
It’s almost like a standard has been set by a new generation that knows how to handle life so much better.
But the real question: Will this new set of rules and initiatives really keep one from divorce, cheating, breakups, heartbreak or setbacks?
The answer is simply no.
In fact, I’ll go one further. I actually think because things were harder to achieve in the past it made us more resilient.
You know, tougher, thicker-skinned.
We had to work harder to get things, harder to contact people, harder to reach our goals.
Life wasn’t being presented at our fingertips with simply a scroll.
The past predicts the future and each generation actually thinks it has got the answers better than the one that preceded it.
While we may have more ways of solving problems today, I still believe the same problems continue to exist, no matter what generation you are in.
More importantly, in the world’s current state of mind – Covid, politics, war, viruses, vaccines, world division (maybe even aliens, but who knows) – resilience is more necessary today than ever.
And resilience, the very thing needed right now in every aspect of our lives, is the very thing that nobody seems to have anymore. It’s not like it’s some commodity that you can drill for.
You gotta dig deep in your soul to find it.
Reach in there and wake it up.
If you’re down on the ground – get up. Stand tall and dust yourself off like you just baked a cake.
Think Julia Child.
Do anything. Anything. But pout.
The way to make the world better begins with making ourselves better people.
Now mind you, I might say things that my readers don’t agree with.
And that’s OK.
You know why?
This is why …
“Different strokes for different folks.” (OK, I know that sounds like a Progressive commercial.)
We are allowed to debate.
We are allowed to see things differently.
But since this is my blog, right now the platform is mine.
All mine.
My bottom line to this entire post is about toughening up and becoming more resilient as the world is changing.
Since relationships are ever-changing, we, ourselves, must become more adaptable and resilient, much like a house withstanding varying weather.
And since it takes a village to raise a child, sometimes it takes a village to support one another during good times, bad times and different philosophies.
Not just for our own personal agendas.
I’ll be writing about ways to find resilience.
But rest assured, it ain’t for sale at Trader Joe’s.
It’s a deep personal dive into our own history with the love and support of family.
It’s about continuing to try to fix things that are broken.
It’s about falling but also getting up.
It’s about cheering on our family, friends and community to rise above the ashes and learn to acclimate.
It’s about second chances, third chances, and rolling with what is.
We are all evolving and learning and a work in progress.
And I guarantee those who point fingers at others for having differing opinions are probably living in a glass house one step away from a bird flying into the window.
So be supportive of each other, give people their room to fail, to recover and to express their own feelings.
And most importantly….
Be kind.
That’s my Reveal for the week.
Until next time, Love,