Ok, let me reword it a little better…
Have you ever woken up one day only to realize that the certain special feeling you had for someone or something was just gone?
Basically, you just lost that loving’ feeling?
I’m about to age myself… but the Righteous Brothers used to sing a song exactly about that.
I mean we’re talking a total disengagement as if the connection had just disappeared—almost like a David Copperfield magic trick.
Kinda crazy, right?
Wait, is David Copperfield even a thing anymore?
I’m pretty sure only my generation remembers him.
Anyway, this phenomenon happens to a lot of people and in all transparency I’m not even sure it’s a phenomenon.
We might just be better off labeling it as a collateral effect of life.
For starters, it’s a fact that negative emotions and feelings build up in our delicate little psyches gradually and sometimes we don’t even recognize that it’s happening.
Take this for example…
Did you ever play ‘Don’t Break the Ice’ as a child?
If you did, then you know what I’m talking about.
I know, I know, every sentence more in this blog just ages me quintessentially…
But anyway, back to the topic...
The game’s premise is that eventually the ice breaks when enough cracking and pressure is applied.
Simple enough.
Obviously, you know that this stands as a metaphor for relationships, right?
Relationships, friendships, and connections are the same way.
They are sensitive and can begin to sour, like milk, for all sorts of reasons.
But here’s the clincher…
I think this happens when you ignore the build up (otherwise known as relationship plaque. I coined the term, btw), poorly communicate your feelings, and turn your head to all the red and pink flags.
By the time you’re ready to pay attention–the connection feels too distant to save.
“Danger, danger, run Will Robinson”.
The law of “Energetic Exchange” is based on the notion that the amount of energy and time you put into any connection or relationship, is equal to what you get back from it.
When that exchange is not equal, the connection for one or both people can be easily lost.
There are 4 laws of energetic attraction:
*We attract who we are.
*Intuition clarifies smart choices.
*Seeing the best in people magnetizes them.
*Soulful giving generates abundance.
Essentially, we all evolve at different paces. If you are spiritual, you will agree, that the universe brings connections in and out of our lives as learning tools.
In order for any connection to stay alive, it needs two people to be on the same page while putting in the same amount of energy towards each other.
Alas, thereby causing the “energetic exchange” to be in effect.
We’ve all had many connections in our lives that all of a sudden just don’t feel right for us anymore.
Sometimes those connections just need to have the plug pulled on them because they no longer serve us in a healthy way.
Ba and bye.
I think we could all use those ‘moments in time’ to detox our negative connections with the people who we no longer want in our lives and no longer serve us on a higher level.
I’m not saying to do this to be malicious; I’m saying it to be authentic. Sometimes the meter on that particular relationship has just expired—even if it’s just for that moment.
Many times, connections are reconnected, when two people are at the same energetic place down the road.
I’ve had many friendships go south (and I don’t mean to Florida) only to come back and thrive years later.
Staying connected is not as simple as AT&T would like you to believe. It takes real effort and a willingness to be open and available to that special someone or something.
Respect your intuitions about relationships and connections.
And always remember… some connections are meant for a season, others a reason and for the lucky ones– an entire lifetime.
Until the next reveal,
so wise